I was lucky to spend a day with a Specialist Rescue Team (SRT) team as they were training for cliff rescues.
Assessing the cliff before chucking a dummy over (not me thankfully)
The SRS team are made up of Firefighters who are specially trained in high access rescue, swift water rescue, power boat rescue, large animal rescues, sub surface confined space rescue, hard rescue situations, mountains, cliffs and also water rescue.
Preparing the equipment.
This is the team who rescue the rescue services if they get in trouble, a brilliant group of guys who love what they do. They are one of only three teams who cover Devon and Somerset, the largest non metropolitan service in the UK.
Safety checking is so important, while one rescuer is already assessing the casualty the rest of the team prepare the gear and perform safety checks.
Safety is the number one concern, for the casualty but also for the firefighters! They are in constant communication with the team operating the ropes.
Using their vehicles as anchors for the safety ropes.
Keeping in contact with the guys on the side of the cliff face.
Not much time to appreciate the view!
Retrieving the casualty, they use a motor called a Capstain Winch to winch themselves back up.
Thanks to the team from me for letting me tag along for the day.
Awesome team! Thank you for all you do.